Members of Management
Willem du Plessis
General Manager
Joao Ndumba
Manager of Special Projects and Logistics, Garden, Farm and Maintenance.
Leone du Plessis
Manager of Finance, Control of Hostel Affairs Crafts and General Sales
Management Assistants
Gabriel David
General, Sponsorships and Tourism
Erica Nases
Pre-school Education, Hostel and Adults Education
Representative of the board of directors (Germany)
Dr. med. habil. Rüdiger von Versen, D.M.Sc.
An der Wildbahn 41
Ombili Board Directors
Dr. Rudiger von Versen
Acting Chairman (Surgeon, Germany)
Louis du Plessis
Deputy Chairman (Farmer, Namibia)
Alet Bosch
(Project Hope, Namibia)
Gerson H. Kamatuka
(Public Service Commissioner, Office of the Vice President, Namibia)
Heike Schydlo
(Social Education Worker, Germany)
Andre Struwig
(School Principle, Tsumeb, Namibia)